بس لما لقيت نفسي معملتش أي حاجة للامتحان قلت لو في ناس عالوضع ده كتيييييييييييييير
يبقي الوضع غير مبشر
دي تجميعات لأسئلة الشفوي بتاعة دكاترة القصر العيني
طبعا امتحان الشفوي ملهوش كبير وممكن تتسأل أي سؤال فيه
لكن أهي أي حاجة تساعدنا وخلاص
أنا كنت مترددة إني أنزلها أحسن حد يعتمد عليها وأبقي أنا السبب
بس لازم تعرفوا إن احنا هينزلنا دكاترة من أماكن مختلفة وكل دكتور غالبا بيسأل من الكتاب اللي بيشتغل منه
وطبعا احنا طيبين وكويسين وهنفضل ندعي ربنا
فربنا يكرمنا إن شاء الله
علي فكرة
دول بيسألوا في العملي
Ch Zero · Differences between Light & Electronic Microscope
Ch2 · Cell wall of G+ and G- bacteria
· what is the significance of the capsule
Ch5 · Types of plasmids
Ch6 · Mechanism of conjugation
Ch8 · mechanism of action of antibiotcs
· complication of their use
· Superinfection
· How & Why could bacteria be resistant to
· And what's the control of it?
· Chemoprophylaxis with examples
Ch9 · Sterilization and disinfection
· What's the concentration of the Alcohol used in
antiseptic purposes & why?
Practical · What r the selective media u know? With examples
· Why is Lowenstien Jensen media green?
Ch 12
Ch 13
What are the functions of Th1 cells?
What are superantigens?
What do you know about NK cells?
Ch 14
T-cell mediated
What are the functions of Th1 cell? What are the
cytokines it produces?
What do you know about IL-4?
Mention the types and functions of interferons.
What do you know about
TGF β?
Ch 15
Mention the different types of antibodies.
Which types of antibodies can cross the placenta?
What are the advantages and complications?
Compare between monoclonal and heterophil
antibodies and mention the diagnostic value of each
giving examples.
Ch 16
The humoral
Compare between the classical and alternative
complement pathways.
Ch 17
Ch 18
Immunity to
Ch 19 What do you know about tumor markers?
Define hypersensitivity.
What is the type of immunoglobulin secreted in type I
Explain the mechanism of anaphylactic shock.
Explain the mechanism of type III hypersensitivity.
Acute diffuse GN is caused by which type of
Ch 20
Tissue injury in
reactions -
Explain type IV hypersensitivity and the difference
between it and other types.
What is the main cell in type IV hypersensitivity?
What cytokines does it produce?
Give some examples to type IV hypersensitivity.
Explain the mechanisms of each type of
hypersensitivity giving examples.
How to treat each type of hypersensitivity reactions?
Explain the tests required for tissue transplantation.
Ch 22
Tolerance and
Enumerate the types of primary immunodeficiencies
giving examples.
What kind of immunodeficiencies is caused by
thymus aplasia?
Ch 23
types of 1ry immunodefficiencies with examples
what kinds of immunodefficiencies is caused by thymus aplasia?
Ch 24
Ag-Ab reactions